We amended the statement that diamonds are a girl’s best friend; actually jewelry of any kind is a girl’s best friend! After all, many argue, you can never have too much of jewelry. And though we cannot differ much from this when it comes to the jewelry stacked on your dressing table, let us warn you that there is something as too much of jewelry when you are wearing it.
You thought you could just add on to your look by adding on oodles of necklaces, rings and earrings? Well, think again. Too much jewelry can be quite disastrous!
It confuses the Look
Imagine wearing a very decent and sophisticated low-cut black dress. You’re completely dressed to kill, until you add up layers of a beaded necklace, the gold chain passed on to you by Granma, and the pearl necklace your husband gifted on your last birthday. Where has the classiness of the look gone now? Anyone who looks on will only wonder what sort of a statement are you trying to make – the classy dame or the confused, overdoing babe?
It masks the Signature Pieces
If it’s a beautiful silver chain with a dazzling diamond pendant, it will be totally hidden if you are wearing ten other adornments with it such as dangling earrings or a big, chunky bracelet. Let that one special piece shine; keep it simple.
Sends the Wrong Message
We hate to say it, but too much jewelry makes one believe you are trying too hard for attention. After all, you will become the object of ridicule if you’ve loaded up on various pieces like a jewelry rack at Macy’s!
Size DOES matter
When we say too much, we don’t just mean too much in quantity. The size and design of the pieces matters too. A chunky choker, huge earrings, a prominent ring with a big, fat rock and a bracelet that covers half of your arm will look too loud and too ugly worn together. Go for simpler pieces and sizes, and when you do wear a big piece, make it the only one you wear.
Remember to also coordinate your jewelry with your outfit. If there’s a lot going on in your outfit, there shouldn’t be a lot going on with your adornments too. After all, you don’t want to be the laughing stock of the party.